Do You Have span Any Questions

If you have an idea, we would love to hear about it.

  • 1- Does the worker have to renew the UAN card?

    • There is no need to renew the eSHRAM card to the workers to regularly update their details, mobile number, current address etc. In order to keep his account active, he/she is required to update his account at least once in a year.

  • 2-  Are there any income criteria?

    1. There are no income criteria for registering on eSHRAM as unorganized worker. However, he/she should not be an income tax payee

  • 3- Who are unorganized workers?

    • Any worker who is a home-based worker, self-employed worker or a wage worker working in the unorganized sector and not a member of ESIC or EPFO, is called an unorganized worker.

Do You Have Any Questions

If you have an idea, we would love to hear about it.